The particularly immersive advertising of Acqua Di Gio Profondo by Giorgio Armani
Since its launch in 1996, the Acqua Di Gio saga has been inspired by a natural and more specifically maritime universe. In fact, this first fragrance has its source in the heart of the island of Pantelleria, a green setting in the middle of the Mediterranean, in which Giorgio Armani takes pleasure in recharging his batteries between two collections. Today, Acqua Di Gio is transformed and this time evokes a more distant and oceanic region. It becomes Acqua Di Gio Profondo and plunges us into the depths of the ocean, an ambition clearly reflected in a new advertising campaign.
Jason Morgan, emblematic face of Giorgio Armani
Since 2015, Jason Morgan has been seen as the face of the Giorgio Armani saga. This 40-year-old American succeeded Italian swimmer Luca Dotto as well as Canadian model Simon Nessman. Formerly the ambassador of Emporio underwear, he leaves no one indifferent, both with his Apollo body and his piercing and penetrating gaze. Although the commercial for Acqua Di Gio Profondo is filmed in black and white, the azure blue of his eyes can be seen, making the hearts of viewers capsize in the process. So, how about following Jason Morgan on his new adventure, between Chile and Mexico?
Acqua Di Gio Profondo offers us a deep water diving session
Giorgio Armani’s Acqua Di Gio Profondo is revealed in a very immersive advertisement. The viewer is immersed in Jason Morgan’s gaze and is invited to follow him. It all starts with a race on the salt lagoon of Atacama, Chile. There, Jason Morgan throws himself into a water hole and offers himself a snorkeling worthy of the greatest specialists in this sporting discipline. A bit fantastic, this ad takes place in several different places. Finally, Jason Morgan leads us to a hidden beach in the Marieta Islands, Mexico. Suddenly her face popped out of the water, just in her tub. Was it just a dream? Is this fragrance a reality? No one will ever know …
Virtual reality comes to Giorgio Armani
En plus de cette publicité, Giorgio Armani a décidé de frapper un grand coup, en s’inspirant de la réalité virtuelle pour immerger le public au cœur de son univers. Cette fois, la campagne télévisuelle du parfum Acqua Di Gio Profondo a été filmée à 360°. Depuis un écran d’ordinateur, le public est libre de se déplacer comme bon lui semble dans le paysage. Ainsi, la plongée de Jason Morgan n’en devient que plus réaliste. Mieux encore : certains magasins Armani proposent une expérience de réalité virtuelle sur ce thème aux clients. Il s’agit là d’une occasion unique de visiter l’Amérique du Sud sans quitter le territoire français !